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High School

BEARDEN ATHLETIC / CHEERLEADING PARENT MEETING: AUG. 2nd or AUG. 4th We will meet and have coaches available to assist in the BES Cafeteria at 4:30pm—6:00pm. 

Parent’s meeting set for August 2nd and August 4th in the BES Cafeteria to provide assistance for parents with completing Athletic / Cheerleading DRAGONFLY Accounts, Physical Forms and Arkansas Activity Association (AAA) Sport Medicine Fact Sheet for Parents and Students. The Bearden High School Coaching Staff will provide computers, internet and technical assistance to help complete AAA--Dragonfly Internet requirements for your student to participate in athletics or cheerleading this school year. We will also present and review the AAA Sports Medicine Fact Sheet covering: Heat Stroke, MRSA, Concussions and Cardiac Arrest for the 2021—22 school years which also require a parent’s and athlete’s signature.


Thank you.


BHS Coaching Staff and Cheerleading Sponsors

Click HERE for a downloadable copy of the Dragonfly form.

Athletics Calendar

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Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 36.99˚F

Feels Like: 36.99˚F

Wind Speeds: 2.21mph

Weather humidity: 70%

Chance of Precipitation: %